Spring Fever has sent into my classroom! My kids are already checked out for the year apparently, and I've got about 3 weeks left! 7 of them didn't have homework finished last Friday. That's really bad for my class. They all had various excuses, but I wasn't taking them. I told them that they still had jobs to do, just like me. I want summer just as much as them, but I show up to work every day, prepared and ready to go. I have to be a mom and wife at home, so I'm busy each night. I have school commitments some weeknights also. I basically said that being busy wasn't an excuse. They could have found 15 minutes to do their homework. Ugh. Time for vacation.
Noah is also a little under the weather. I think he's getting teeth in, again. When will that ever end! He's been eating like such a big boy lately. He ends up helping Daddy clean his plate. It's nice that he's more independent at meal times. Makes life easier on me!

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