Sunday, April 27, 2008

Aches and Pains

This week was a busy one! I had a hair appt. one night, CPR re-certification after school another day, and another school thing on a different night! Lots of stuff going on around here. We're midway through the 4th quarter at school already. I can't believe it! About 5 more weeks and I'm done for the summer! I'm really looking forward to many trips to the nearby park with Noah.

I've also had some issues with my back again. I couldn't move on Wednesday or Thursday b/c it hurt so bad!! It feels like my hips are out of place or something. I called a chiropractor for an appt., but they couldn't get me in till Monday. Then they want x-rays, a consultation, and THEN you get to come back the next day to have something done. Forget that! I got the name of this old lady who is a chiropractor and who practices out of her home. She doesn't take appointments, you just go. She also charges you just $20 at the visit. I thought I'd give her a try. Well, she's the oldest lady I've ever seen!! She's thin too, but tough! She just ran an instrument of some kind down my back and located all the problem spots. Then she put me on the table thing and went to work. I didn't feel better until today, but I know it helped. No x-rays, no waiting, and no messing with insurance. I'm sure I'll go to her again.

Noah has also been a little down lately. He's just got a spring cold. I always get them too. His just started on Saturday. Poor guy's been coughing a lot at night. He's also been knocking his head a lot lately and biting his tongue or lip in the process so they bleed. Lots of fun! That's what happens when he starts running and can't keep up with his own legs! :) He's harder to catch now also. We play lots of chase games around the house.

He's also learning how to use a fork and spoon. I got him some new "big boy" utensils and some divided plates. All I do is load up the food, hand him the fork/spoon, and he shovels it in! He's pretty good too. Check out breakfast this morning: mmmm, eggs and toast!

He also likes to dance a little. I had to add this little video. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great new blog Jen! Noah is getting so big - he's so cute. Hope he starts feeling better - we've got the spring colds here too. I really hope your back starts feeling better soon too - that's no fun! Miss ya,