Friday, April 25, 2008

Blogger Tag

This is kinda fun--I have never been tagged before inblog world so here we go......

I am: a mom, a wife, a teacher, a Christian
I think: about the chapel speech that I'm giving in 15 minutes!
I want: my back to stop hurting, and a nap
I wish: to live closer to my family
I hate: lying and cheating
I miss: my family and Sal, Ren, Rae, and Tina!
I fear: losing Noah or Tyler
I hear: my students coming into class
I smell: my carmel latte
I crave: chocolate and some alone time!
I search: garage sales for clothes for Noah
I regret: getting frustrated with Noah when he's upset
I love: Noah, Tyler, my family, and my best friends
I ache: in my lower back
I care: for my family, friends and students
I always: get up before 6am
I am not: very patient
I believe: in Jesus
I dance: for Noah
I sing: in church, in school, and for Noah
I cry: when I hurt, when Noah hurts, and when I'm REALLY mad
I fight: sometimes with Tyler, but then we make-up
I write: tests for students, endless lists, and e-mails
I win: with Christ
I never: smoke (anymore)
I confuse: my students when I'm talking about algebra
I listen: to Noah babble, to my kids at school
I can usually be found: in my house, or in my classroom
I am scared: for the future
I need: some sleep and a good chiropractor
I am happy about: it's Friday and I'm wearing jeans to school!!
I hope: Noah will stop throwing tantrums
I am tagging: Chris, and Sal

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool answers Jen! Thanks for playing along!
Love and miss ya,