Our trip to IA was pretty good. The weather didn't exactly cooperate, so we missed about 2 days worth of time with the fam. We had a great time, and he loved playing rough with grandpa and playing ball with grandma. I would have liked to have spent more time with Sandy and Dan. Next trip, o.k.? I also couldn't go and visit Rae and Renae due to bad weather and b/c Ren was out of town. I'll be back in June, so we'll get together then! Noah did travel pretty well by plane, but we'll probably never do that again. It gets kinda spendy when they need their own seats, and he was a little restless for most of the flights. I'm very glad we did it though.
Here are some pics of him playing around.

Noah is now about 15 months old and he's got 2 molars coming in that are causing him some pain and causing me some stress. Those teeth have been driving him crazy for a while, but I think they're both almost through. I'll be glad when they are, that's for sure. Teeth have a way of completely changing a child's personality. Mom's out there, you KNOW what I'm talking about! Last weekend he had a raging fever (104 degrees was the highest) and it lasted for about 3 days. He didn't want to eat, didn't sleep well, and would just lay in my arms. Poor thing. I took him to the dr. when the fever got really high and didn't break. He said it was just a cold b/c there was nothing wrong anywhere else. Yeah, right. On Tuesday he broke out in a rash all over, but it didn't seem to bother him. His babysitter said it was probably roseola. Ever heard of it? Otherwise known as 6th disease. I looked it up, and I'm positive that's what he had. You can't prevent it and doctors can't treat it. The rash is gone now and he is much more active. He's back to laughing and everything again. It's nice to have my sweet baby boy back.
Here he is playing with his new bubble-blowin' lawnmower.

Tyler is leaving for New Mexico on Tuesday for the National Bowling Tournament. It's something that he does every year with the same guys. Last year it was in Reno and next year it's in Vegas. Some of the other wives want me to come along, but I can't get out of school for that many days. Besides, what would I do with Noah? After Nationals Tyler is done bowling for this season. He still enjoys it and has fun. This year he actually had two 300 games; one in January and then again in March when I was in IA. I'm pretty proud of him for that! It's not an easy thing to accomplish.
Jen - cool blog girl - reminds me of your sisters. You guys wouldn't be twins, would you?? :D So glad Noah is feeling better - teeth are so tough! And yes, we've had lots of roseola over here too - nasty stuff. Glad you had a good trip. Love and miss ya,
So glad to hear Noah is feeling much better! I agree that those teeth cause amazing trauma! I guess I can't really blame them for being more crabby because if I think about it, I'd be cranky having all those teeth pop through too! Abigail now has her first, but there are a bunch more bumps on her gums, so I think others are not far behind!
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