Sunday, September 21, 2008


It's been a while since I've posted anything. Sorry about that. I'm so busy and TIRED now that school has started. I've got a big class and they are exhausting. Very talkative, and some very naughty boys that take all my energy. I still have time to play with my #1 little guy though!
He likes to lounge and watch tv like daddy.
This looks comfy!

He's also got a thing for my shoes.

Whenever I cook, he has to also!
I'm hoping I start to feel more energy as I get back into my routine again. Right now I could go to bed at 8 every night! Maybe that's not such a bad idea. My house would be a disaster, but I'd be rested.


Rosencrans Family said...

Jen, he's so big! That pic of him laying on the couch! Can't wait to see him (and you guys too, of course!)!

Anonymous said...

OMWord Jen! I was going to write the same exact thing as Chris after I saw that pic of Noah laying on the couch - seriously!!! Way too weird??!! Anyway.... he really is growing up. What a sweety. Hope you can start feeling rested soon. Love and miss ya!