Sunday, October 5, 2008

I love Fall!!

Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. I love the smells, the colors, and the cooler weather. It's just fresh outside. I need to get a new rake for me and a little rake for Noah so we can keep up with the leaves this year. I'm sure we'll be jumping in some too!

Hunting season is also here. Tyler's been out a couple of times. He actually shot a doe, but then he couldn't find it. Too bad. I'm looking forward to a freezer full of venison!!

I'm just going to put some new pics of Noah below. I love the age he's at. He's just so fun and silly. He is also very verbal, and I'm surprised at how much he understands! He's also started saying his name, but it sounds like "Woah-wah".


Anonymous said...

Great pics of the little dude Jen - he's growing up so fast.

WAKonings said...

Wow! He is such a cutie!