Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas Activities

It's been a long time since I've updated, but you know how life is.
Christmas break was great. Tyler and I both had almost 2 whole weeks off! I loved it! We did lots of relaxing and playing with Noah.

Christmas is for kids, and that was proven to us this year. Noah got lots of great stuff from his relatives. Below he is playing with his new Frige Phonics game. He loves it, and I love that he learns his letters while I cook instead of bothering me! :)

Here he is saying the letter "I".
He got a new "Cars" sleeping bag from Uncle Tory and his girlfriend Ashley. He sleeps in it at daycare everyday.

Here he is enjoying a Christmas cookie with lots of frosting. Yum!
There are many more pictures I could post, but that would get a little long.
I hope all of you had a great Chritmas and a very happy New Year too!


WAKonings said...

We have those magnetic letters too! They rock...although I do get slightly sick of the alphabet song because she keeps pushing the button over and over again, even if it isn't through the whole song!!

Anonymous said...

He's so sweet Jen. Can't believe how big he is getting. Looks like he's so much fun! Hope he had a great birthday!