Saturday morning Dad was all excited to do a big "camper" breakfast. Kevin did the cooking out in the garage and we all ate sitting on the driveway on our camping chairs. It was very fun. I told Dad we should do it at Thanksgiving too (maybe not in the garage). In the afternoon we went to my aunt and uncle's little lake in the middle of their subdivision. Tyler took Noah out on the little boat and did some fishing. Ty caught a TON of fish, and Noah reeled a couple in too! He had such a great time out there.
Saturday night we had a birthday dinner for Grandma with her sisters and my family. Tyler grilled some burgers, hot dogs, and brats (of course). It was just a really nice time talking with everyone. After that we hung out around the fire for a few more hours. By the end it was just me, Chris, Sandy, and Dan left talking. Pretty cool to have some time with my siblings.
It was a wonderful time, but it was over much too quickly. I'm already looking forward to Thanksgiving!
Noah on a scooter:

Catching a bubble:

Scuba Dan