I'm at home relaxing before Tyler and I have to head out to 2 different parties today. Noah's grabbing a quick nap and Naomi is playing right next to me so she'll be tired out by the time we leave. We had a great time at the parade this morning. Noah was AWESOME!! This was the 1st year he really enjoyed it and payed attention to what was going on. He sat right by me on the curb, never once trying to get up and run across the street or in front of vehicles. I was very impressed by that. He enjoyed the fire engines, all the bands, and all the dogs that are always in the parade. His favorite part by far were all the "dancers". There are many different high school dance teams that march, and he was always asking about the dancers. It was really fun to watch him this year. Naomi just slept the whole time, which made things very easy!
Naomi is becoming so much more interesting. The first weeks there's not much going on with babies. Eat, sleep, cry, poop, that's about it. Now she's awake and alert for longer periods of time. She loves to lay on her blanket and just kick around. She also really enjoys tummy time. Naomi already has many funny facial expressions. I'll leave you with just a few.
Happy 4th everyone!