I really haven't written anything about my current pregnancy. Well, I was officially due YESTERDAY!! I'm not surprised I'm late though. Noah was a week late himself. I feel fine right now. I don't feel anything really happening at all. I've had a very uneventful pregnancy, which is a good thing. Everything is good right now too. I go in for a non-stress test on Tuesday to check movement and stuff. My dr. will see where I'm at, and if nothing has changed too much we'll be scheduling something. I'm thinking this baby girl will make her appearance next week sometime. It better be next week! I have officially started my maternity leave from school. Today was my last day. Hooray! I am very excited. I won't have to go back, and I'll have the whole summer off to be with my kids. I'm very excited about that. If nothing happens on it's own, then I'll have a couple of days next week to get my house in order. You know me! I've got to have things organized.
It's now time for me to do a little shopping. My school is having a HUGE rummage sale in the gym tomorrow and teachers get to shop early, so I'm here tonight to get some little girl stuff. How great!
I'll leave you with some pics of Noah. This is actually his 2nd haircut since I forgot my camera the first time. Oh well. It's still the same! He really loves getting it done.