On Thursday we went to storytime at the library. Noah goes every week with his daycare friends and behaves well every time. Well, he didn't for me! He wanted to stand up and mess around while the stories were going on. He wouldn't sit down when I asked him to, so we had to leave early. My mom says that's because I'm his mother. Kids behave better for people other than their moms. I've heard that from the parents of my students before, but now I understand!
I don't want you to think he was a little pistol the whole break. We actually had fun and he was great. I just have to wonder why kids don't behave when you really, really want them to!
Below are just some pictures of goofing off in the house. There's one of Tyler and Noah where Tyler put gel in Noah's hair and made a little mohawk. I couldn't resist taking a picture.

He loves talking on the phone:

He looks ready for school!

Reading the Sunday paper with Daddy: